Headache,Migraine,Trigeminal Neuralgia,Fibromyalgia,Herpes zoster Neuralgia
Do headache, migraine, trigeminal neuralgia, fibromyalgia, herpes zoster neuralgia greatly
alter your existence? Read how you can cure them with a natural treatment.
BIOCEPHAL is a natural supplement with the properties of an herbal product. It's made up of
Niacinamide, Riboflavin, Rhodiola Rosea and Vitis Vinifera. Biocephal has no side effects,
does not accumulate in the body, has no interactions with any drug or contraindications.
Gluten and lactose free
1 Headache, Migraine, Trigeminal neuralgia
6 Mechanism of Headaches, trigeminal neuralgia, Fibromyalgia
In all of the following diseases, the first significant benefits will begin to be seen in many cases already
after a few days or within 15 days of starting treatment.
The reactive diseases are Primary Headaches (Migraine without / with aura, aura without migraine,
cluster headache, tension-type headache, hemiplegic migraine, menstrual headache).
Other reactive pathologies are Trigeminal neuralgia, Post-herpetic neuralgia (St. Anthony's fire),
Fibromyalgia, intercostal neuralgia.
Due to individual variability, the indicated improvement terms may be delayed by 1 month.
Nature loves Simple Solutions (William of Ockham)
The powerful antioxidant activity of Rhodiola Rosea and Vitis vinifera stabilize the production of
neurotransmitters. In this way, they counteract free radicals that damage nerve cells and effectively
counteracts the biochemical mechanisms underlying reactive diseases, due to the disordered release of
neuromediators from mast cells.
natural cures for cluster headache,migraines,fibromyalgia,trigeminal and posterpetic neuralgies
Biocephal was tested at the Headache Center of S. Carlo di Nancy Hospital of Rome (Dir.Prof.D.Moscato).
Presented at the XXII Congress of Italian Society for the Study of Headaches (SISC). Published in
"J.Headache Pain" 2008-pages 55-56.
BIOCEPHAL by Green Bios. Box 30 caps. Retail price € 13,00. In pharmacy without prescription.
Store below 30 ° C. Notificated to Italian Ministry of Health 10/02/2016.
Made in Italy production plant: R.E.F. – Roma Via Tor Sapienza,211.
No dyes added and Vegan! We eliminated dye from the capsules to have a more natural product
(the dye is allowed by the Ministry of Health for food products).
Posological Indications:
1) Headache, Migraine, Trigeminal neuralgia:
Adults: 1 cps. after breakfast and 2 capsules after lunch for 3 months. Subsequently, once healing is achieved,
2 cps. a day continuously.
Affected people from headache, neuralgia over 80 kg (176 lbs.) or age over 65: 2 cps. after breakfast and 2
capsules after lunch for 3 months. Subsequently, once healing is achieved, 2 cps. a day, continuously.
Children under 30 kg(66 lbs): one capsule a day for 3 months. Thereafter, 1 capsule per day for 15 days each
month (the capsules can be opened and poured into water or milk).
Children that weigh between 30 and 40 kg.(88 lbs), 2 capsules a day for 3 months. Thereafter, 1 capsule a day
continuously. Children weighing over 40 kg. Dose like rhe adults.
2) Cluster headache (in case of pain):
Two capsules after breakfast and two capsules after lunch for 3 months or until the pain subsides.
Weight over 80 kg.(176 lbs) or over 65 years of age take two capsules after breakfast, lunch and dinner
(6 caps per day) for 3 months or until the pain subsides.
Cluster headache (prevention):
Once the initial pain, due to cluster headache, has disappeared (fter 3 months of treatment), the cure continues
with 2 capsules a day, continuously, for maintaining the regained well-being. If during the maintenance period,
in the cold season, the symptoms should reappear, take 2 capsules after breakfast and 2 capsules after lunch for
15 days. At the end of this period, continue with 2 capsules a day.
Adults: 1 cps. after breakfast and 2 capsules after lunch for 3 months. Subsequently,
once healing is achieved, 2 cps. a day, continuously.
Affected people over 80 kg. (176 lbs) or age over 65: 2 cps. after breakfast and 2 capsules after lunch for 3 months.
Subsequently, once healing is achieved, 2 cps. a day, continuously.
1 cps. after breakfast and 2 capsules after lunch for 6 months. Then, 2 cps. a day continuously.
Affected people over 80 kg. (176 lbs) or age over 65: 2 cps. after breakfast and 2 capsules after lunch for 4
months. Then, 1 capsule after breakfast and 2 capsules after lunch for another 3 months. Subsequently, 2 cps. a
day, continuously.
5) Post-herpetic neuralgia, Intercostal neuralgia:
Adults:one capsule after breakfast and two capsules after lunch for 45 days. Then, 1 capsule after breakfast
and 1 cps. after lunch for other 45 days. Subsequently, once healing is achieved, one cps a day, continuously.
Weight over 80 Kg. (176 lbs.)or age over 65 years: two capsules after breakfast and two capsules after lunch
for 45 days .Then, 1 capsule after breakfast and 2 cps. after lunch for other 45 days. Subsequently, once healing
is achieved, two cps. a day continuously.
Europe Pat. n.1318815
USA Pat. n.7,456,291 B2
Russia - Eurasian Pat. n.RU 2274448
China Pat. n. 01813823.3
Canada Pat. n. 2.417.758
Onset of migraine and trigeminal neuralgia is determined by a neurogenic inflammation in trigemino-vascular
circuit. This is caused by release of biochemical mediators from mast cells. The stimulation of the meningeal
structures and large cerebral vessels causes pain due to the activation of the unmyelinated fibers, from which
they are innervated.
During a migraine or trigeminal neuralgia, there is a leakage of blood plasma proteins and the development
of an inflammation of intracranial vessels. This is caused by an abnormal triggering of mast cells and
subsequent activation of trigeminal innervation. So, you have a furious entry in the blood of peptide
neurotransmitters to vasodilator effect.
They are contained in the nerve fibers of the trigemino-vascular system. These neurotransmitters are represented
by CGRP(calcitonin gene-related peptide), leukotrienes, neurokinins, histamine. A natural treatment for headache,
migraine, trigeminal neuralgia,fibromyalgia, herpes zoster neuralgia avoid these inflammatory processes.
Fibromyalgia is a chronic, idiopathic condition of widespread musculoskeletal pain that affects more women than
men. Substance P is a neuromediator involved in onset of this disease. Function of substance P is to cause the
release of inflammatory cytokines such as interleukin 6 and TNF from mast cells. This contributes significantly to
symptoms of fibromyalgia. A natural treatment for those suffering from fibromyalgia makes it regress completely.
Riboflavin and Niacinamide play an important role in mast cell metabolism and act as coenzymes. Their shortage
negatively affects the production of energy within mast cells. This lack lowers the energy of mast cells, leading to
their disordered activation. This activation causes the excessive release of neurotransmitters and biochemical
Rhodiola rosea and Vitis vinifera are among the most powerful natural antioxidants known and, then, have
extraordinary activity against free radicals.
These antioxidant activities have a double effect: they provide direct neuroprotection against oxidative stress
and indirect protection through the suppression of inflammation. Therefore, the action of these two natural
substances is expressed both in an effective stabilizing action of cell membranes and in a correct development of
tissues breating. Activity of these natural substances, together with the action of previous coenzymes, normalizes
the blood microcirculation and balances the mood.