Allergic ASTHMA is caused by a bronchospasm that takes away your breath. Drug treatments are scarce.Natural Cures are effective and without side effects.

Allergic asthma is a narrowing of the airways, which worsens the condition of those who already suffer

from allergies, but using natural products keeps it well under control.

We analyze below the natural treatments for allergic asthma, causes and official medical treatments.


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                            1 How it looks allergic asthma

                            2 Causes of allergic asthma

                            3 Traditional cures of allergic asthma

                            4 Natural cures for allergic asthma



                HOW it LOOKS ALLERGIC ASTHMA

Allergic asthma is a disease of breath system caused by allergens. 

Allergens are represented by pollen, dust, mites, pet hair. Most people don't complain of any problems

in the presence of these factors in the environment where they live and breathe. Instead, asthmatics suffer

from an abnormal and excessive reaction of immune system due to genetic and hereditary 

predisposition. The aftermath of this sensitivity affect bronchs, structures of breath system essential for

airflow into lungs. They become inflamed, making breathing difficult. Natural remedies for allergic asthma

gradually reduce all changes in the immune system. So that any ailments caused by asthma disappear.

   Typical symptoms of this condition are usually chronic and present with a sudden narrowing of airways

(bronchospasm) and excessive production of mucus. The two phenomena make breathing difficult. In fact,

they create a "hunger" for air (dyspnea). This causes wheezing, with a typical whistling or rattle and coughing

that makes breathing even worse.



                        WHAT are the CAUSES of ALLERGIC ASTHMA

Mechanisms wich underlie this disease are due to reaction of immune system caused by inhalation of allergens,

to which body is sensitive. They cause inflammation of bronchs. Allergens are represented by pollen, dust, mites,

pet hair. The Cause of asthma lies in a disordered release from mast cells of biochemical mediators

(histamine, cytokines IL4-IL5-IL 13-IL17 and VEGF - vascular endothelial growth factors) that cause and accentuate

asthma attacks. The aforementioned ailments disappear to administration of natural remedies for allergic asthma.



                       HOW it is TREATED ALLERGIC ASTHMA in the TRADITIONAL WAY

In event of crisis, allergic asthma is treated with bronchodilator drugs and corticosteroids, sprayed with inhaled


For prevention, however, corticosteroids, leukotriene modifiers, vaccines, biological drugs are used.

  - Steroids in children increase both the risk of diabetes and high blood pressure or blood clots


  - Leukotrienes are a class of drugs for oral use that can help relieve asthma symptoms. Unfortunately they

have many side effects.

  - Specific immunotherapy with allergenic extracts (vaccines) is a treatment that allows you to gradually train immune

system to allergic reaction, reducing number and intensity of acute episodes. However, it can have side effects with

reactions ranging from sneezing, stuffy nose or hives until more severe reactions with swelling of the throat, asthma,

tightness in the chest (anaphylactic shock).

  - "Biological" drugs can also be used, but these too are burdened by significant side effects (itching, appearance

of spots and blisters on the skin, changes in blood pressure and heart rate and breathlessness). Other important

side effects concern increased risk of infections of all kinds: in particular they can cause reactivation of an underlying

tuberculosis or of hepatitis B and C, contracted in the past.



                  WHICH are the NATURAL CURES for ALLERGIC ASTHMA

However, there is a natural cure for allergic asthma, effective and without side effects, which uses action of

phytotherapeutic products like Calendula Officinalis and Rhodiola rosea, which have an anti-inflammatory,

anti free radical, disinfectant action, normalizing microcirculation.

   Together with other natural products, like flavoproteins and coenzymes, they contribute effectively and not

harmful to the repair of mast cell metabolism and the immune system.

Thank you for reading my article to the end.

                           allergic asthma natural cures

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