Pregnancy Migraine expose you to both the risk of eclampsia,stroke and heart attack.Avoid this with Natural Cures
Migraines or headaches during pregnancy make it difficult to experience this phase of life,
in which it's better not to use drugs, because they cause adverse effects for both the pregnant
woman and the unborn child. But there are effective natural solutions without side effects for migraine
Let's see how migraine complicate course of pregnancy and respectful natural treatments.
Source Pinterest:reasons, causes and remedies to fight migraine during pregnancy
1 Mechanisms of migraine in pregnancy
2 Risks associated with pregnancy migraine
3 Traditional cures of pregnancy migraine
4 Natural cures for pregnancy migraine
Pregnancy is a happy time for every woman. This is why it should be free from worries and complications.
There are many mechanisms that come into play in migraine during pregnancy.
They are represented by an increase in fibrinogen that begins at onset of pregnancy, is accentuated
in third trimester and in first weeks after childbirth. It predisposes to thrombosis.
Then, there is an increase in reactive oxygen species (free radicals), which also involve the newborn,
especially if preterm (birth whose labor takes place between 22nd week and complete 37th week of
gestation). These mechanisms become more aggressive if predisposing conditions exist (e.g. if already
suffer from migraines).
2)What are the RISKS associated in Pregnancy Migraine
One of these is migraine. In fact, a recent study by the Department of Neurology at Wake Forest University
in the USA ( ) shows that women who suffer from
migraines, or headaches in general, are more exposed to risk of preeclampsia (one of pregnancy's hypertensive
This is linked to a 17-fold increased risk of stroke and with a four-fold increase in risk of acute myocardial
infarction. Migraine also causes an increase in risk of maternal stroke in the perinatal period (period
between 28th week of gestation and 28th day after the birth of fetus).
3)HOW it is TREATED the Pregnancy Migraine in the TRADITIONAL way
Migraine sufferers can make use of the drugs that are usually used in this disease, i.e. painkillers,
anti-inflammatory , triptans and more. However, when a woman is pregnant, using these drugs can be
dangerous and then contraindicated for adverse effects.
What, then, can be solution to this problem?
It exists and is a natural cure for pregnancy headache. Indeed, a natural cure would be desirable in all people
suffering from this disease.
However, whether for lack of time, inattention or other reasons, drugs we mentioned are used, sometimes
underestimating consequences that can be had over time. They are represented by damage to stomach,
vascular system, kidneys and heart.
4)WHAT NATURAL CURES for Migraine in Pregnancy
Then, natural cure for migraine is possible and necessary thanks to action of phytotherapeutic substances
such as Rhodiola rosea and Vitis vinifera. They have anti free radicals, anti-inflammatory, antiplatelet
action, nourishing blood vessel wall.
Together with other natural substances, such as flavoproteins and coenzymes, they contribute effectively
and not harmful to the repair the metabolism. All this leads to the rebalancing of an altered body
environment and to a reinstatement of the immune system normal functions.
Thank you for reading my article to the end.
natural cures for pregnancy headache