Postherpetic Neuralgia (St.Antony's fire) Effective Natural Cures

Postherpetic (shingles) neuralgia can give "very severe pain or burning" in a part of the body and has no

effective treatment with the traditional drugs. Effective natural substances are the solution to this serious

problem, without side effects.

Let's look at natural cures for postherpetic neuralgia, its causes and current medical therapies.


postherpetic neuralgia natural cures



                                  1  What does Postherpetic Neuralgia look like

                                  2  Causes of Postherpetic Neuralgia

                                  3  Traditional Treatments of Postherpetic Neuralgia

                                  4  Natural Cures for Postherpetic Neuralgia



Herpes Zoster(Shingles) derives from reactivation of varicella zoster virus (chicken pox taken as a child).

The disease is associated with many acute symptoms like skin blisters and pain. It manifests itself with

severe itching and allodynia (painless stimuli are perceived as painful).

It affects 20-30% of people and up to 50% of those over age of 80. The age-related decline in cell

mediated immunity allows for a new activation of varicella zoster virus, sleeping in dorsal ganglia of spine

and in cranial nerves.

Complications include postherpetic neuralgia (very common) and visual disturbances (rare). These

complications can negatively impact patient's quality of life.

Hospitalization following herpes zoster with postherpetic neuralgia is common in elderly. Elderly population

is growing and, then, number of people with Herpes Zoster and Postherpetic Neuralgia is increasing.

So these diseases are costly in terms of suffering and loss of independenceNatural remedies for

postherpetic neuralgia are able to treat it gradually, without harm to body and improving the conditions

of the immune system.


                                   2) What are the CAUSES of POSTHERPETIC NEURALGIA

Mechanism of postherpetic pain is due to increased production of TNF by mast cells which alters neuron's

lining cells, so disrupting conduction of nerve impulses. This modifies the nerves function, with the consequence

of causing burning and pain along the path of the nerves themselves.



Current management of Herpes Zoster with antiviral and analgesic drugs produces good results in younger

patients. In them disease is usually milder and the treatment is effective against acute pain and skin blisters.

However, aforementioned treatment is much less effective against postherpetic neuralgia, which occurs more

severely in older patients. 

Once postherpetic neuralgia has developed, current treatments offer only limited benefits, and adverse

effects are common. Management is demanding and often unsatisfactory. In fact, less than 50% of patients get

50% pain relief. Official therapy uses anticonvulsant like Gabapentin, effective in 30% of cases, but with

many side effects



Instead, let's consider the real possibility of treating postherpetic neuralgia(St. Anthony's fire),

with natural products without side effects or contraindications. Action of these products restores normal

working of nerve fiber lining cells. In fact, mast cell metabolism is restored with phytotherapeutic substances

like Rhodiola rosea and Vitis vinifera. They have anti-free radicalanti-inflammatory, anti-aggregating action,

nourishing blood vessel wall.

   Then, there are other natural substances, such as flavoproteins and coenzymes, which contribute in effective

and harmless way to restoration of neural transmitters production (TNF). All this has a beneficial effect on the

aliveness of the nerve fibers, avoiding damage, favoring the recovery of neuronal function and the immune


postherpetic neuralgia natural remedies