Natural Cures for Endometriosis
Endometriosis is a disease caused by the presence of uterus internal wall tissue in other
areas of the body: this causes pain and internal bleeding. Traditional treatments are ineffective
and have many side effects. There are effective natural cures.
Below will see natural cures for endometriosis, its causes and official therapies.
3 Traditional treatments of the Endometriosis
4 Natural cures for Endometriosis
Endometriosis, is a chronic condition that affects up to 10% of women.
Endometriosis is a chronic disease, which begins by the presence of uterus inner wall tissue,
that is, the endometrium. It's common in women suffering from irritable bowel syndrome (IBS).
Endometrium is present in other organs like ovaries, fallopian tubes, peritoneum, vagina, bowel.
This causes internal bleeding, chronic inflammation and scar tissue, adhesions and infertility.
Endometriosis is often painful to point of becoming disabling. Starts with chronic pelvic pain,
especially during menstrual cycle or ovulation, pain on evacuation, pain during sexual or post-coital act.
Cause of endometriosis is retrograde menstruation. That is, during menstruation, small parts of
endometrial tissue would move in opposite direction in fallopian tubes and then implant themselves in
abdomen or, in any case, outside uterine cavity.
Retrograde menstruation is moderately present in all women, but only in some of them endometrial
tissue is able to grow and take root.
Stress and excessive physical fatigue contribute to its development. Natural solutions have a positive
effect on endometriosis by reducing the factors that cause it.
At this point we need talk about mast cells. Mast cell is one of most important protagonists of immune
and inflammatory response. Inside mastcells are hundreds of vesicles that contain many substances.
When mast cell is called upon to operate to deal with tissue damage (from infection or trauma), these
vesicles "degranulate". Hence, release their substances and thereby protect and heal surrounding tissue,
promoting its healing.
If mast cell becomes overactive, and this happens for its metabolic dysregulation, quantities of substances
released are much higher than normal. They end up being harmful: inflammation and pain, from acute,
become chronic.
Inflammation mediators (bradykinin, vasoactive factors, histamine, substance P, serotonin) and neurotrophic
substances like nerve growth factor (NGF) are released in excess.
The first cause oxidative damage from free radicals. While NGF causes multiplication of nerve endings,
resulting in hypersensitivity to painful stimuli (hyperalgesia) and burning perception of tactile sensations
(allodynia). This occurs in endometriosis. Natural remedies for endometriosis achieve goal of normalizing
metabolic alterations of mast cells, cause of this illness.
Current therapies involve use of NSAIDs for pain therapy (but they are little or not effective as they only
antagonize some biochemical mediators). Or a reduction in circulating estrogen is performed to slow development
of endometriosis, thus causing an artificial menopause.
However, the side effects of menopause follow: hot flashes, weight gain, night sweats, irritability, loss of
Combined estrogen-progestins are still used (contraceptive pill, progesterone) which can give as side effects:
nausea, headache, vaginal dryness, decreased sexual desire.
Or therapies with androgens, capable of antagonizing action of estrogen and progesterone (gestrinone and
danazol). However, the latter have typical androgenics side effects: hirsutism, virilization, acne, seborrhea,
oily skin and weight gain.
Then, official therapies are ineffective and burdened with many side effects.
But, natural cures for endometriosis that are effective and without side effects that act on pain and pelvic
inflammation are possible. This is thanks to action of natural substances like Rhodiola rosea and vitis vinifera.
They have an anti-inflammatory action, anti-free radical, normalizing the microcirculation.
Then, there are other natural substances, like flavoproteins and coenzymes, which
naturally contribute to restoration of mast cells metabolism. The rebalancing of their cell membranes causes
the restoration of immune system normal conditions and the disappearance of disorders due to endometriosis.