FIBROFOG Natural Cures
Over time, fibromyalgia leads to neuropsychological disorders (fibrofog or cognitive fog), that
science fails to cure. Natural substances can prevent and cure them.
In this brief summary, let's consider the Fibrofog or cognitive fog, the natural cures for Fibrofog,
in addition to its causes and traditional cures.
3 Traditional Treatments of FIBROFOG
Those who suffer from Fibromyalgia syndrome often report problems that have been classified by
scientific community with a specific name indicated with the term of Fibrofog or "cognitive fog".
With this concept we want to indicate neuropsychological problems experienced by people with
fibromyalgia in terms of speed with which performs the cognitive activity and speed of response,
ability to learn, ability to perform a search of words and generating words, ability to focus on
specific stimuli and short-term memory.
Fibromyalgia sufferers often tell of not remembering the purpose of an action they had started,
of forgetting what they were doing shortly before, of stumbling talking, not finding the right
words or making them wrong, of losing conversation thread, of writing incorrect phrases or
words and easily lose attention, as well as find yourself in a state of general confusion. But
natural remedies for Fibrofog can successfully fight these problems.
2) WHAT are the CAUSES of the FIBROFOG
Causes of this cognitive lowering are located in functional changes of brain activity and are
amplified by depression, anxiety, grief, sleep disorders. But, actually, from a microbiological
overview, cause lies in an alteration of mast cells metabolism, which inadequately or
disproportionately release inflammatory cytokines like TNF and IL6, which in the long run also
deteriorate cognitive sphere, in addition to muscle-tendon system. There is also a serotonin
To date, for traditional medicine, there are no specific drugs for the treatment and cure of these
cognitive disorders. Then, targeted psychotherapeutic interventions are carried out on the
patient and aimed at trying to reduce the overall symptomatology, but with very little or no success.
However, Natural Cures for Fibrofog or cognitive fog gradually manage to defeat all symptoms
of fibromyalgia, including the neuropsychological ones of Fibrofog or cognitive fog. Restores both
the correct metabolism of mast cells and the serotonin production and rehabilitates the normal
conditions of the immune system.