Depression and anxiety during menopause can be spontaneous or caused by the hormonal treatments given.But natural treatments can cure

The menopause, instead of being a period of calm, becomes a moment of discomfort if the mood

worsens. And traditional treatments does not offer effective treatment with no side effects. But natural

cures give back the right peace of mind.

We'll see causes of menopausal depression, the natural cures for menopausal disorders, the traditional 

treatments offered by medicine and the damage they can cause.


menopausal depression natural cures



                              1  Menopausal Disorders

                              2  Cause of Menopausal Disorders

                              3  Traditional treatments of Menopausal Disorders

                              4  Natural cures for Menopausal Disorders


                   WHAT are the MENOPAUSAL DISORDERS

A problem of women who are in menopause are hot flashes. Hot flashes are the most common

menopause symptom. 

Symptoms are characteristic of heat dissipation and consist of sweating of the faceneck and chest,

as well as peripheral vasodilation. The onset of vasomotor symptoms increases during the transition to

menopause and they reach the highest level about 1 year after the end of the menstrual period. Most 

menopausal women experience these vasomotor symptoms, which often last more than ten years.

Vasomotor symptoms are the most commonly reported, but there are also sleep difficultiesanxiety,

muscle aches, mood swingsheadache, urine loss, recurring urinary tract infections.

All of this is a common condition that negatively affects the quality of life of many postmenopausal women

and, without treatment, symptoms worsen over time. But natural solutions make all menopausal ailments




           WHAT are the CAUSES of the MENOPAUSAL DISORDERS

Hot flashes are accompanied by a decrease in estrogen in menopause, but estrogen is not the only one

responsible, as their levels do not differ between women who have the ailments and those who don't.

Neuromediators, like plasma CGRP secreted by mast cells, have been shown to increase upon the event

of a hot flash. There is also the oxidative damage of free radicals, which contributes to the onset of these disorders.





And let's get to the therapy: the official one is hormonal therapy, that is, estrogen-progestogen therapy (or HRT), 

to treat both vasomotor symptoms and other disorders, because they think that the cause depends on the fact

that hormones decrease in menopause.

But we have already seen that the levels of these hormones do not change either in women who have or do not

have the disorders. Then, there are the known complications of HRT, not so frequent, but serious, which are the

risk of breast cancerdeep vein thrombosis, stroke and, recently established, also depression and suicidal risk.

Given these dangers, we can ask ourselves if there are natural cures.

The answer is yes!




Natural Cures for Menopause, effective and without side effects, which avoid depression and the

consequent suicidal risk, are possible thanks to natural substances like Rhodiola rosea and Vitis vinifera, which

have anti-inflammatoryn and anti-free radicals action.

   Together with other natural substances, like flavoproteins and coenzymes, they naturally contribute to the

restoration of the mast cells metabolism, which are the cells that secrete neuromediators responsible for

menopausal disorders. This leads to the recovery of oxidative balance and the disappearance of menopausal

disorders. And, moreover, it also benefits the immune system.

Thank you for reading this introduction to the end.

menopausal depression natural remedies

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