Migraine and SLEEP Disorders are fatally associated:but Natural Cures make migraine disappear and so you can rest

Migraines and sleep disorders have always been associated. If you don’t rest at night, you will be stressed and

have an altered mental health during the day, and your social life will suffer.

But there are effective natural remedies for sleep disorders caused by headaches.

Below we see how happen sleep disorders and the natural cures for migraine.


migraine and sleep disorders natural cures



                                      1 Why Migraine causes sleep loss

                                      2  Consequences of sleep loss

                                      3  Traditional treatments of Migraine

                                      4  Natural cures for Migraine and Headache



                      1)Why MIGRAINE causes LACK of SLEEP

Sleep disturbances are often associated with migraines. Sleep is very important to recover energy,

maintain mental health and also psychophysical well-being.

Sleep loss is a neurobiological and physiological stressor, that is, it is a stressor that has consequences

for the brain, as well as for many body systems¹. 

Sleeping allows for the removal of brain metabolic waste products, which are neurotoxic and accumulate in

the central nervous system during wakefulness².

People with migraines have poorer sleep quality and impaired sleep structure than non-migraineurs.

This is what is revealed from a study conducted by researchers from the

 Wolfson Center for Age-Related Diseases, Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology &  Neuroscience

in London and published by the journal Neurology.

In the done study, adults and children with migraines showed less REM sleep, and patients showed less

total sleep time and more wakefulness than controls (non-migraines). But a natural cure for migraines solves

this problem.

A published study in the journal Brain confirms this theory, showing that in humans, a night of sleep loss 

hinders the removal of molecules that have accumulated in the brain during the day².

The experiment continued one more night, during which all the participants were allowed to sleep. Despite this

second night of rest, the impaired brain cleansing in the sleep deprivation group was not compensated.

Chronic sleep loss increases hunger and energy expenditure, increases inflammatory cytokine levels,

decreases parasympathetic tone and increases sympathetic tone, increases blood pressure, increases evening

cortisol levels, and raises insulin and blood glucose valuesNatural remedies for migraines, on the other hand,

having no side effects, can be used regularly and safely. 



             2)WHICH are the CONSEQUENCES of SLEEP LOSS

In addition, several studies have shown that lack of sleep increases the β-amyloid plaques formation risk and

leads to an increase in tau levels in the interstitial fluid of the hippocampus. Both proteins (tau and beta amyloid)

form aggregates typical of Alzheimer's disease.

Insufficient sleep increases the risk of developing nocturnal gastroesophageal reflux in women, according to a study

published in the Journal of  Clinical Sleep Medicine.

Nocturnal gastroesophageal reflux has been defined as the reporting of heartburn or acid reflux after going to bed,

occurring sometimes, often, or very often. And the onset of nocturnal gastroesophageal reflux was twice as common

among women with sleep insufficient or short sleep(less than six hours of sleep per night) than those with sufficient





Traditional treatments for migraines, i.e. anti-inflammatories and triptans, have significant side effects ranging

from stomach inflammation to an increased risk of pulmonary embolism (anti-inflammatory) or vasoconstriction

of the cerebral vessels, which reduces the nutrition of nerve cells (triptans), should be used rarely and judiciously.



           4)WHICH NATURAL TREATMENTS for Migraine and Headache

Therefore, a natural cure for migraines is not only possible but a duty for the integrity of the body, allowing long-term

treatment, combining the restoration of the immune system and the rebalancing of an altered body environment.

Natural treatment is implemented with the action of phytotherapeutic substances such as Rhodiola rosea and Vitis

vinifera. They have anti-free radical activity, anti-inflammatory, antiplatelet action, nourishing the blood vessel wall.

   Together with other natural substances, like flavoproteins and coenzymes, they contribute effectively and not harmful

to the restoration of metabolism and the rebalancing of the body environment and ultimately to the restoration of

normal sleep.

Thank you for reading my article to the end.

migraine and sleep disorders natural remedies





1) Xie L, Kang H, Xu Q, Chen MJ, Liao Y, Thiyagarajan M, O’Donnell J, Christensen DJ, Nicholson C, Iliff JJ, Takano T, Deane R, Nedergaard M. Sleep drives metabolite clearance from the adult brain. Science. 2013 Oct 18;342(6156):373-7. doi: 10.1126/science.1241224.

2) Per Kristian Eide, Vegard Vinje, Are Hugo Pripp, Kent-Andre Mardal, Geir Ringstad, Sleep deprivation impairs molecular clearance from the human        brain, Brain, Volume 144, Issue 3, March 2021, Pages 863–874,