HOT FLASHES and MENOPAUSE disorders with natural remedies get solved brilliantly and quickly

Do menopause hot FLASHES make your social life impossible? Do you want to heal yourself naturally?

Thanks to Biocephal you can. Read below and solve your problem.

The menopausal hot flashes complicate physical and social life of women sufferers from them.

Usually they are treated with hormone replacement therapy (HRT), which has many side effects,

including the possible onset of breast cancer. But there are effective natural solutions without side effects.

Let's discover the natural cures for menopausal hot flashes, its causes, and official therapies below.


           menopausal hot flashes how to get rid of

Source Pinterest: Natural cures and remedies for menopausal hot flashes



                               1  What are the disorders of the Menopause

                               2  Menopausal Symptoms

                               3  Causes of Menopausal Hot Flashes  

                               4  Traditional treatments for Menopausal Hot Flashes  

                               5  Natural cures for Menopausal Hot Flashes


                      1) WHAT are the DISORDERS of the MENOPAUSE

Hot flashesare most common symptom of menopause. Vasomotor symptoms are the most commonly

reported. However, vaginal dryness, sexual intercourse often becomes painful (dyspareunia), sleep difficulties,

mood swings and headaches worsen as women approach menopause. Menopausal genitourinary syndrome

of is a common condition that negatively affects life's quality of many postmenopausal women.

Without treatment, symptoms worsen over time. With natural supplements for menopausal hot flashes

ther's an improvement in symptoms until disappearance of the same in short time.


                      2) SYMPTOMS of the MENOPAUSE

Symptoms are characteristic of heat dissipation and consist of sweating and peripheral vasodilation. Onset

of vasomotor symptoms increases during transition to menopause and reaches peaks about 1 year after the

final menstrual period.

Most menopausal women experience such vasomotor symptoms, which often last more than a decade.


             3) WHAT are the CAUSES of MENOPAUSAL HOT FLASHES

Menopausal hot flashes are accompanied by decrease in estrogen. But, estrogen isn't the only guilty,

as its levels don't differ between women who have ailments and those who don't. 

It has been seen that plasma CGRP (calcitonin-gene-related-peptide) secreted by mast cells is significantly

increased upon the occurrence of an hot flash. There are also observations that there is oxidative damage

from free radicals which contributes onset of these disorders.



Current official therapy is hormone therapy to treat both vasomotor symptoms and other menopausal disorders.

One rare, but serious complications of hormone therapy is venous thromboembolism.

The percentage of venous thromboembolic complications in women with menopausal symptoms increases with 

increase in age and body weight of women themselves. This complication is also linked to both hereditary and 

acquired risk factors. Another complication is an increased risk of breast cancer. However, antidepressants,

such as paroxetine, are also used.



But natural cures for menopausal disorders, effective and without side effects wich act on hot flashes,

vaginal dryness and headache are possible  thanks to action of natural substances. These are represented by

Rhodiola rosea and Vitis vinifera. They have an anti-inflammatoryanti-free radical action, normalizing

blood microcirculation.

   Together with other natural substances, like flavoproteins and coenzymes, they contribute in a natural way to

the mast cells metabolism restoration and the balance of the immune system, without damage to the body.

Thank you for reading my article to the end,

menopausal hot flashes how to get rid of

                                       menopausal hot flashes natural trreatments