CLUSTER HEADACHE is the most severe form of headache. There are no drugs able to treating it. Natural Cures can do it effectively.
Cluster headache is also referred to as "suicide headache", due to the severity of the pain it causes.
The life of sufferers from it is heavily conditioned and traditional treatments practically do not exist.
Let's see below natural cures for cluster headache, its causes and official medical treatments.
2 How it looks Cluster Headache
4 Traditional treatments of Cluster Headache
5 Natural cures for Cluster Headache
Cluster headache is a rare form of primary headache. Its impact on the total number of headaches
is about of less than 0.5% in male population and 0.1% in female population. Attacks are particularly
painful so that the form is also called "suicide headache".
Cluster headache appear more frequently during period of climate change, especially in spring and
autumn. It's characterized by attacks of excruciating pain, severe intensity, lasting between 15 and
180 minutes, at orbital, supra-orbital and / or temporal, unilateral. It goes along with intense tearing,
conjunctival redness, nasal obstruction, facial sweating.
This form of headache occurs periodically at night for a few weeks or months (hence the name of cluster).
Natural remedies for cluster headaches gradually reduce painful ailments, until they disappear, without
side effects or damage to body. Intensity is such that the patient finds himself in need to move constantly
and his behavior is very restless.
There are two forms of cluster headache:
Episodic form occurs when the cluster lasts from seven days to few months, with disease-free intervals of
more than two weeks.
Chronic form occurs when attacks occur every day for more than a year, without perceptible pain-free intervals.
About 10% of cluster headache cases are chronic. Intense pain arises by excessive dilation of cranial blood
vessels, which apply pressure on trigeminal nerve.
Cause depends in a dysregulation of mast cell metabolism (of trigeminovascular system) and in a messy
release from them of neural mediators (histamine, substance P, CGRP) which have vasodilating action.
Official therapies uses drugs as the triptans and corticosteroids in acute phase, anticonvulsants and
antidepressants in prevention. However, these drugs have many side effects.
But treating cluster headache with natural products is possible thanks to action of phytotherapeutic
products like Rhodiola rosea and Vitis vinifera. They have an anti-inflammatory, antiplatelet and nourishing
action on blood vessel wall.
There are also other natural substances, like flavoproteins and coenzymes, which contribute in effectively
and not harmful way to mast cell metabolism restoration and production of neural transmitters. And thus
they free from nightmare of disease.
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