Effective Natural Cures for TRIGEMINAL NEURALGIA
Suffererers from Trigeminal Neuralgia have short-lasting stabbing pain attacks in the face,
which make life unbearable. And yet there are natural treatments capable of defeating trigeminal
neuralgia, given that traditional treatments are unable to cure it.
Let's see below natural cures for trigeminal neuralgia, its causes and official medical therapies.
1 Causes of Trigeminal Neuralgia
2 How it looks Trigeminal Neuralgia
3 Traditional treatments of Trigeminal Neuralgia
4 Natural cures for Trigeminal Neuralgia
Trigeminal neuralgia is an alteration of 5th cranial nerve. Cause of Trigeminal Neuralgia is damage
to the myelin sheath (lining) of this nerve. This makes electrical impulses traveling through it irregular or
excessive, activating algogenic regions (where pain starts) in brain.
The damage can be caused by a vascular-nervous conflict due to an artery with abnormal course,
which compresses nerve. The superior cerebellar artery is often responsible (with the continuous pulsations
that cause microtrauma to myelin sheath).
But biological cause of trigeminal inflammation is explained by dysregulation of mast cell metabolism.
This dysregulation causes an excessive and chaotic introduction into local and systemic blood circulation
of neural mediators(VEGF-vascular endothelial growth factors). They cause an increasingly severe
inflammatory state of trigeminal, already damaged by compression or by systemic diseases (multiple sclerosis).
But, natural solutions for trigeminal neuralgia are able to dominate dysregulation of mast cells without
harm the body.
It has a prevalence in women (male/female ratio of 1: 1.8) and affects 2.5% to 5.7% of people. Multiple
sclerosis is present in 2-4% of patients with trigeminal neuralgia, often the younger ones. It causes crises of
intense pain in face, forehead, teeth and internal mucous membranes of the jaw and jowl. Episodes of pain
occur suddenly, triggered by common activities or exposure to cold. Patients report feeling like intermittent
electric shocks. Single attacks affect one side of face at a time, last for a few seconds, and can come and go
throughout the day (even for several months).
In 3-5% of cases disease is bilateral and attacks can increase in frequency or severity over time. Many patients
describe areas on face that trigger pain (trigger points). That's, a simple touch or even air flow can trigger a
painful episode.
Current treatment of trigeminal neuralgia can be pharmacological and / or surgical.
- Drugs considered in treatment of trigeminal neuralgia are anticonvulsant:
carbamazepine or gabapentin.
If, as in half of cases, drugs are not tolerated or not effective, surgical treatment should be used. This therapy
consists of some procedures through the skin (trigeminal radiofrequency thermorizotomy, selective neurolysis).
- Surgery (microvascular decompression which involves craniotomy) can also be performed. This methode
can have serious complications and do not solve problem as they have a high relapse rate (from 20% to
80% at 5 and 10 years). Natural remedy can avoid ailments and complications.
As a consequence of these procedings, an atypical trigeminal neuralgia (sub-continuous pain which may be
accompanied by paresthesia, burning) may also occur.
- Radiosurgical treatment (Gamma-Knife or Cyber-Knife) consists of administering a high dose of rays
(X or gamma) to emergence of 5th cranial nerve. Sensitive fibers (more fragile) thus lose their working while
motor fibers usually do not report any damage. However, with this method there is a high percentage of facial
In fact, pain can turn into an unpleasant sensation of tingling or burning, often more annoying than trigeminal
neuralgia itself. And later on, it's no longer possible to perform other procedures, having now caused nerve
So far the official solutions,but...
Instead, let's consider concrete possibility of a natural cure for trigeminal neuralgia. It does'nt involve any side
effects or contraindications and effectively solve the problem. By acting in order to restore normal functioning of
nerve fiber lining cells. In fact, it's possible to restore mast cells metabolism with phytotherapeutic substances like
Rhodiola rosea and Vitis vinifera. They have an anti-free radical, anti-inflammatory, anti-aggregating and
nourishing action on blood vessel wall.
Then, with the help of other natural substances, like flavoproteins and coenzymes, ther's an harmless way of
rebalancing cell membranes. The production of neurotransmitters (VEGF) returns to normal. All this avoids nerve
damage and promotes the recovery of neuronal function.